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Tips for achieving daily steps

Published in For the Health of It

After purchasing fitness trackers or becoming more active in general, many people are learning that trying to achieve the recommend 10,000 steps a day is not as easy as it seems. In order to achieve this daily goal more easily, think about not getting your steps accomplished in one large bundle but instead space out the activity throughout the day to keep your body moving continuously. Here are a few simple tips to help you get in your daily steps:

  1. Park at the back of the parking lot so you need to walk further when entering work or stores.
  2. Take the stairs when possible instead of elevators or escalators.
  3. Go for more frequent walks; whether that be around the neighborhood or office.
  4. If you live close enough, bike or walk to work, weather permitting of course.
  5. Take your furry loved ones for a walk — you know they will love it.
  6. Try a new activity such as Zumba classes, biking, walking clubs or training for a 5K.
  7. Find a friend to walk with. Having someone to engage with during the same activity will make the time fly by but also make you more reliable and less likely to back out.
  8. Compete with friends or family on the fitness tracker apps. Make getting your daily steps a fun part of your wellness plan. Some helpful apps include: Pacer, Map My Walk and Runtastic.

In all, any activity that helps to keep your body moving and promote wellness is best. The goal is to reach 10,000 steps a day but start off slow, and gently increase your activity over time. Remember to listen to your body and take breaks when needed to prevent injury from occurring. Most of all, pick an activity that you enjoy and make it fun! People overall are less likely to think of an excuse if they like what they are doing. Now go out there and get stepping!