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10 Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Published in Senior Services, Neurology Author: Kathleen Rieke, MD

Your older loved one’s memory might not be as good as it used to be, but does that mean that he or she has a problem? Not necessarily. It’s normal for one’s brain to change as you age.

As one gets older you may:

  • Make a bad decision once in a while
  • Miss a monthly payment
  • Forget which day it is and remember later
  • Forget which word to use
  • Lose things from time to time

Memory loss that disrupts daily routine is not normal. Dementia is a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, a fatal disorder that results in the loss of brain cells and function.

Your family member may have memory loss issues if he or she:

  1. Forgets recently learned information, important dates or events (asks for the same information repeatedly or heavily relies on memory aids)
  2. Has difficulty developing and following a plan (can’t make a familiar recipe or keep track of monthly bills)
  3. Struggles to complete familiar tasks (driving to a routine location or playing a favorite game)
  4. Loses track of the passage of time (where you are or how you got there)
  5. Misjudges distance, colors or contrast (struggles to read)
  6. Can’t follow or join conversations (repeats yourself or struggles with words)
  7. Misplaces things and can’t retrace your steps (accuses others of stealing)
  8. Frequently makes bad decisions (gives money to telemarketers or neglects daily grooming)
  9. Withdraws from social activities (stops doing hobbies or interacting with others)
  10. Shows mood and personality changes (becomes easily upset, confused, suspicious or anxious)

If you have concerns about your loved one’s memory, talk to his or her health care provider. If are looking for a health care provider, you can view a list of CentraCare providers currently accepting new patients. View the list and make an appointment today.