Sleeve Gastrectomy

Laparoscopic weight loss procedure in Minnesota

At CentraCare Weight Management, many of our patients find that sleeve gastrectomy is a good fit for reaching their goals.

What is a sleeve gastrectomy?

Sleeve gastrectomy removes the left side of the stomach, including the portion that produces hormones for hunger stimulation. The remaining portion of the stomach is stapled into a narrow tube or sleeve. The reduced stomach size causes a feeling of fullness after eating a small amount of food.

So many people have encouraged me not to limit myself. I am now living life to the fullest. -Tammy Habiger

What are the advantages of sleeve gastrectomy?

  • The small intestines are left intact, minimizing chances of intestinal blockage and ulcers.
  • The surgery results in minimal interference with the digestion and absorption of vitamins and nutrients.
  • Most patients lose about 60 percent of excess weight within a two-year period.

Learn more

To learn more about sleeve gastrectomy at CentraCare Weight Management, watch our overview videos.

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Featured Patient Story

Weight Loss “Gamechanger” for Central Minnesota Couple Sleeve Gastrectomy Patient Story
"It took a lot of hard work, willpower and encouragement from family and friends. We have had our struggles, but if you don’t have your health, life can be so much harder."
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